9/11 Devotion

by Chaplain Gail Williams
Rest in peace. These are the words we think of when remembering those lost in the tragedy of 9/11. We also remember these words for the families of those that were lost; they are for all of us as much as for those gone on.
I want to share the story of a young pregnant woman that changed her flight from later to earlier and ended up on the flight that crashed into the towers. She wanted to get home earlier. She called her husband to let him know she got an earlier flight but he was asleep. She left him a voicemail. She called awhile later, knowing the hijackers had taken the flight, and in a very calm voice, her husband remembers, asked him to “please pick up.” He never did. She then told him there was some trouble on the plane but she was ok, for now. She wanted him to know how much she loved him. She told him that several times. She started to say, “I will…” her husband believes she started to say she will call back but she knew she wouldn’t. It was the last message he heard from his wife. This husband spoke of his amazement at the calmness in his wife’s voice and his gratitude for the message of love that he will treasure forever.
I start with this story, not to bring you down, but to remind you of love being the most important thing, and the rest and peace that can come from that love. There is so much fear, anger, hurt, frustration, and unrest in this world and in our lives; and it is real. God instructs us so many times in the bible to ‘Rest in Him’ and receive His peace, no matter what we see. The two go hand in hand, Rest and Peace. We need both now more than ever.
Christ said to…”Come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) He also said, “My peace I give you, not as the world gives do I give to you.” (John 14:27) God is teaching us a certain rest and a certain peace that we can only receive from Him. When we take the time to “learn from Him”, the rest and the peace will come.
As we learn to trust Him with all our heart, wait on Him, and not worry or be anxious for anything, His love is revealed to us and through us, and so is His rest and peace. I let Him know all I need and in Him every need is met. In a time when there is such threat, turmoil, chaos and confusion, inside us and all around us, we need this kind of supernatural rest and peace to walk through it all unharmed. We can walk through such dire situations and circumstances in perfect peace…because we trust God to see us through. When all around us may be falling and giving up, we stand firm, and rest in His perfect peace. An analogy was made of the ‘pitch’ that was used to secure the Ark that Noah built. It was used to cover the outside of the boat and keep the water from coming inside. It allowed the Ark to travel through the great and awesome storm as all inside were safe from the utter destruction going on outside. When we spend time getting to Know God and His love, Christ provides us with this supernatural ‘pitch’ all around us. We can walk through anything. We are safe and secure inside.
This kind of rest can only come by close relationship and walking with Christ. How do we come closer to God? We come by prayer. Spending time with God in prayer is the answer. His love will surround us and also pour from us to those around us. More love is what is needed in the world today. As we rest in Him and in His peace, we will have faith and quiet assurance. The love of God will surely prevail in our lives and will be evident to all. Remember: In quietness and confident trust, is your strength. (Isaiah 30:15) God will keep you and protect you in His loving care, no matter what is happening around you.

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