When I first went out on my own, MANY years ago, I had a huge house with three bedrooms on the top of a mountain in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, called Mount Washington.  I lived on Grace Street.  There was an older gentleman that owned all the property on that street and he let me rent it really cheap. I was so excited.  I had an awesome deal and I was grateful,

being my first time out on my own, with such a big house, on Grace Street of all places.

 I just knew this was a sign of many blessings to come.

    I learned very quickly that big, old houses have strange sounds, especially at night.  I found myself afraid every night.  That was a huge house for one person and I just could not get comfortable and for awhile I just could not get a good night’s sleep.  Until one day, I put my foot down. While alone in my house, to myself, I declared…

I am not going to be afraid in my own house!  I am not going to live like this!

 I made a strong and very loud

declaration and from that time on, the fear was gone.  I slept like a baby.

I lived comfortably for the remainder of the time I lived there.

 This situation gave me a spiritual revelation.  I realized that I can do the same thing with this house, my body, my spirit.  1 Corinthians 6:19 says we are not our own. I believe my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. If I believe that, then I can believe I have the power within me to stand up to my internal and external fears in this same way.  I declare always that I will not be afraid in my own house, this house!  I will not live in fear, in this body!


There are so many strange sounds around us that put fear into our hearts. Make your declaration today!  You will see that God is with you to give you the power to overcome any trial or trouble in life.  It works with faith, patience, and grace.


 A few favorites:

2 Timothy 1:7 God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind.

1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.


 May the only fear you experience today be the reverential fear of God!

2 thoughts on “ON FEAR….#1

  1. “Yes, be bold and strong! Banish fear and doubt! for remember, the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9,


  2. Reblogged this on gailrobinw and commented:

    Don’t let fear keep you from God’s best for you! Declare your freedom now!


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